I started messing around with a set of decks when I was around 16, I have always been a musical person having played instruments from the age of 4, and even though my mother told me the life of a musician is very hard, I stubbornly persisted with my dream of becoming a DJ.
My Name given by my mother (who is from a small island in the Caribbean called Aruba) is Nkosi which is a South African name with many meanings, mainly King, Ruler or chief however in other southern African languages this can be perceived differently.
When growing up everyone called me Kose, and when I started to DJ, my dream was to play all over the world, coast to coast, so the DJ name was a no brainer.
My DJ Name is DJ Coast2Coast!!
Luckily for me, I have been able to have a career that has taken me all over the world, playing at some incredible parties and events.